Check out what events are going on in El Paso by the City! 

Also, make sure to check out the Zoo Events and Library Events!

In this entertainment facility, you can find many events that are held every day. In our essay service 123helpme at

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October 2018 Events


Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations 3:00 PM - National Night Out 2018 Block Party Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations 6:00 PM - Irvin High School Homecoming Parade 6:00 AM - El Paso Downtown Street Festival - DMD Event Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations 12:00 PM - EPMH-Yoga 6:00 PM - First Thursday Free the Yoga Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations 8:00 AM - Trailblazer 5K 9:00 AM - Downtown Art and Farmers Market 9:00 AM - DAFM 9:00 AM - Crafting the Corridor - Bus Tours 9:00 AM - Corpus Christi Catholic Community Health Fair 2:00 PM - Talk: Currency in Action 3:10 PM - UTEP Football Team vs North Texas 9:15 PM - North Texas Football Team
Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations 8:00 AM - Franklin High School Wrestling 5K Run and 1 Mile Run 8:00 AM - Fire Week Monday 8 thru Friday 12 Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations 8:00 AM - Fire Week Monday 8 thru Friday 12 Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations 8:00 AM - Fire Week Monday 8 thru Friday 12 Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations 5:00 PM - Bowie High School Homecoming Parade 8:00 AM - Fire Week Monday 8 thru Friday 12 Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations 9:00 AM - Rummage Sale 12:00 PM - EPMH-Yoga 5:00 PM - El Paso High School Homecoming Parade 6:00 PM - History on the run 6:30 PM - Rummage Sale 8:00 AM - Fire Week Monday 8 thru Friday 12 Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations 9:00 AM - Chalk the Block: EPMH and DIGIE is open 9 am-9 pm 9:00 AM - Rummage Sale 10:30 AM - Celebration of Nations 1:00 PM - Senior Dance - Halloween Dance 6:00 PM - Chalk the Block 11 7:00 PM - Chalk the Block - DMD Event 10:30 PM - World Arthritis Day Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations 9:00 AM - Chalk the Block: EPMH and DIGIE 9:00 AM - Crafting the Corridor - Bus Tours 10:00 AM - Chalk the Block 11 10:00 AM - Chalk the Block - DMD Event 1:00 PM - Open House Weight Room 1:00 PM - Monthly Dance Border City & Angels Disco 7:00 PM - Chalk the Block: EPMH and DIGIE
Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations 11:00 AM - Chalk the Block 11 11:00 AM - Chalk the Block - DMD Event 12:00 PM - Chalk the Block: EPMH and DIGIE 1:00 PM - Friendly Monthly Dance Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations 9:00 AM - Rummage Sale 6:00 PM - 4 on 4 Volleyball Halloween Tournament Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations 9:00 AM - Billiards Tournament 4:00 PM - Billiards Tournament Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations 12:00 PM - EPMH-Yoga 4:00 PM - Fall Kids Scavenger Hunt 6:00 PM - Talk: A Visual History of Horse Cavalry on Fort Bliss, 1849- 1943 Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations 9:00 AM - Rummage Sale 1:00 PM - Faith Chrisitan Academy Homecoming Parade Texas Showdown Skateboarding Championships 7:30 AM - Zero Prostate Cancer Run Walk 8:00 AM - Flu Vaccines for the Uninsured Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations 9:00 AM - Jumpstart Soccer League 9:00 AM - Making Strides Against Breast Cancer of El Paso Walk 9:00 AM - Crafting the Corridor - Bus Tours 10:00 AM - Archery and Atl Atl Demonstration Open 10:00 AM - Trailblazers Archery Presentation 1:00 PM - El Paso Fun Fest 1:00 PM - Grandview Advisory Board Dance-Halloween Celebration
Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations 5:30 PM - Teacher's Professional Development: An Evening at the Museum with the Fed 6:00 PM - 4-on-4 Basketball Tournament Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations 9:00 AM - Rummage Sale 1:00 PM - Flu Vaccines for the Uninsured 1:25 PM - Dia de los Muertos 5:00 PM - Community Prevention Conference / Bullying Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations 12:00 PM - EPMH-Yoga 5:00 PM - Lights On After School Program 6:00 PM - EPMH- Rio Grande Ghost Stories Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations 12:30 PM - Halloween Social “Carnival” 7:30 PM - Monster Mash Tournament Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations 10:00 AM - Archery and Atl Atl Demonstration Open 10:00 AM - Halloween Carnival 10:00 AM - Gus & Goldie Pumpkin Patch 12:00 PM - EPHM - Origins of Dia de los Muertos 12:00 PM - Talk: Origins of Dia de los Muertos, presented by Dr. Yolanda Leyva 1:00 PM - Senior Dance - Halloween Theme
Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations Museum of Archaeology Closed For Renovations 9:00 AM - 3rd Annual Halloween Bash 9:00 AM - Halloween Costume Contest 9:00 AM - Halloween Billiards Tourney, Masters Division, House Rules 12:30 PM - Halloween Celebration 12:30 PM - Zombie Ball - Halloween Celebration 12:30 PM - Fall Carnival 1:00 PM - Flu Vaccines for the Uninsured 1:00 PM - In-House Halloween Party 4:00 PM - Halloween Carnival 6:30 PM - Dog Costume Contest